Wednesday, October 27, 2004

aren't I handsome? Posted by Hello

My 4 month check-up

Posted by Hello
Emmett and his Mommies went for his 4 month check-up at the pediatrician yesterday. It went very well :) Emmett was a social butterfly with the doctor, smiling and holding his hand while he was examined.
They weighed and measured him, although he was too big for the scale so not sure about the accuracy of his weight... probably a little off considering his legs were dangling off the side and he was holding the top of the scale with his left hand!
Accuracy notwithstanding, he weighed in at 21 pounds 8 ounces and was 29 inches long! Once again off the charts for his age, but the size of an average 10 month old :)
The pediatrician gave us the go ahead to start solid foods, but we are going to wait until Emmett stops the tongue thrusting reflex and can sit up better on his own. Those are both signs that his body is developmentally ready for solids. Breast feeding is obviously working well for now!
Emmett got three shots in his chubby thighs and didn't like that too much, but he calmed down quickly and had a great afternoon after the appointment. Mommy Kirsten and Mommy Vanessa both got flu shots to help protect little Emmett until he can get a flu shot of his own (6 months). So everyone shared in the needle fun :/

Monday, October 25, 2004

Look How Big I Am!

Emmett has become too large for his bouncy seat... his weight pushes the seat too far back making him lie back too far, at the same time he is very anxious to sit up on his own. Result: he no longer likes his bouncy seat!
I went shopping this weekend to get him the next "level" of entertainment/sitting toy. Something like a stationary walker that he could sit in and stand in and play in while we ate dinner or cooked or did something else that is easier to do while baby is having play time outside of your arms ;)
Once at Target, it became quickly obvious that there isn't much out there for babies like Emmett. Every walker and stationary walker type toy had a 25 pound weight limit, Emmett was 21 pounds 2 weeks ago so I wasn't going to spend $50 on any of those contraptions. There was one with no posted weight limit, but the cost was $80 and the height limit was 30 inches. I don't know if everyone remembers this, but Emmett was 26 inches long two months ago! I am sure he is over 30" now.
So what to do? Emmett needed something new to hang out in, something that he could sit-up in with and without help. How about a high chair? (see pictures) It only took me a half hour to put together and it looks great in the dining room and he loves it! No more straining to do sit-ups in his bouncy chair or getting mad when he can't see something. The high chair was the ultimate solution, and he can even use it for eating someday ;)

I love my new high chair! :) Posted by Hello

Me in My New High Chair

I love my new high chair! Don't I look big and cute :) Posted by Hello

Monday, October 18, 2004

Just Had a Great Weekend

Today is Monday :(
But our family weekend was fun and busy. Emmett spent his first 15 minutes in a "day care" at the local gym on Saturday while his mommies got set up to work-out. He didn't mind it, although both of us were trying not to cry in front of him ;)
Oh, Emmett is 3.5 months old now and weighs over 20 pounds!

Emmett's Granny Susan stayed with us for the weekend, and he had a great time with her. They even had their first "alone time" together when Kirsten and I rushed off to do some household shopping. All the adults were nervous about the 1 hour 15 minute jaunt, but Emmett did great and fully enjoyed having time with his Granny!

He continues to be the cutest, biggest baby ever. He laughs at just about everything and loves to cuddle when he's sleepy or needs some downtime. He learned a new skill this weekend: he now can blow "raspberries" on command thanks to his mama's expert tutelage! Although his raspberries are a lot more spitty than mama's ;)

He loves to be outside, especially now that the weather has cooled down a little. He has to have his hands touching and his feet touching and just recently started consistently putting his first two fingers in his mouth for some chewing time.

This is a new attempt for Mama Vanessa, so wish me luck with my first blog!

Monster in Training

Mommy Kirsten helping Emmett show off his Halloween Monster pajamas, can you believe those are size 12 months?! 10-17-04, Emmett is 3.5 months Posted by Hello

You Can Do It!

Mama Vanessa playing with Emmett while he tries to sit-up, 10-17-04 Posted by Hello