Today is Monday :(
But our family weekend was fun and busy. Emmett spent his first 15 minutes in a "day care" at the local gym on Saturday while his mommies got set up to work-out. He didn't mind it, although both of us were trying not to cry in front of him ;)
Oh, Emmett is 3.5 months old now and weighs over 20 pounds!
Emmett's Granny Susan stayed with us for the weekend, and he had a great time with her. They even had their first "alone time" together when Kirsten and I rushed off to do some household shopping. All the adults were nervous about the 1 hour 15 minute jaunt, but Emmett did great and fully enjoyed having time with his Granny!
He continues to be the cutest, biggest baby ever. He laughs at just about everything and loves to cuddle when he's sleepy or needs some downtime. He learned a new skill this weekend: he now can blow "raspberries" on command thanks to his mama's expert tutelage! Although his raspberries are a lot more spitty than mama's ;)
He loves to be outside, especially now that the weather has cooled down a little. He has to have his hands touching and his feet touching and just recently started consistently putting his first two fingers in his mouth for some chewing time.
This is a new attempt for Mama Vanessa, so wish me luck with my first blog!