Emmett and his Mommies went for his 4 month check-up at the pediatrician yesterday. It went very well :) Emmett was a social butterfly with the doctor, smiling and holding his hand while he was examined.
They weighed and measured him, although he was too big for the scale so not sure about the accuracy of his weight... probably a little off considering his legs were dangling off the side and he was holding the top of the scale with his left hand!
Accuracy notwithstanding, he weighed in at 21 pounds 8 ounces and was 29 inches long! Once again off the charts for his age, but the size of an average 10 month old :)
The pediatrician gave us the go ahead to start solid foods, but we are going to wait until Emmett stops the tongue thrusting reflex and can sit up better on his own. Those are both signs that his body is developmentally ready for solids. Breast feeding is obviously working well for now!
Emmett got three shots in his chubby thighs and didn't like that too much, but he calmed down quickly and had a great afternoon after the appointment. Mommy Kirsten and Mommy Vanessa both got flu shots to help protect little Emmett until he can get a flu shot of his own (6 months). So everyone shared in the needle fun :/
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