Monday, November 29, 2004

Me in my Exersaucer!

Now that I am all grown up and 5 whole months old today, Mommy Vanessa got me a new big boy toy. The seat rotates inside the toy when I lean and the toy moves in a circle when I push with my toes.

I like to do things by myself, but can't quite stand up on my own or get my body to do what I want it to do all the time. So this contraption is the perfect solution, I get to do it by myself and it is very exciting.

I am really surprised when I move around in a circle though!

Posted by Hello

I love my new big boy toy! Posted by Hello

Friday, November 26, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is me on my first Thanksgiving and I had a great day. I am wearing a very handsome outfit that I got from my Aunt Julie.
That big turkey thing looked pretty good, but my mommies said I could try some next year. I enjoyed my banana piece and some sweet potatoes.

The part I really like is that Mommy Vanessa gets to stay home from work for a few days and play with me! Posted by Hello

Monday, November 22, 2004

November 21st, First Solid Food

Mommy Kirsten made me some sweet potatoes in her cool food processer. I didn't really swallow much but I was very interested in the spoon and got a little messy :)

I have also had some frozen banana in a mesh, chewing bag and I like that a LOT! It helps my two teeth and gums feel better, plus it's sweet and very fun...Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Can you see one of my new teeth? I am chewing on everything in sight to try to help my gums feel better :) Posted by Hello

When I grow up...

Some day when I am a little bigger, Mommy Vanessa is going to teach me how to drive... it sure looks fun! Posted by Hello

For now, I am only 4.5 months so I have to wait a few years. I am growing up too fast for my mommies already though. I have two teeth now, the bottom center ones. I like to move myself around and am strong enough to do it, although I get frustrated sometimes. I think I'll be crawling soon and I love to sit up! My favorite things to do right now are play with my toes and feet, try to grab the dogs' ears, chat and even yell to make sure everybody is looking at me, get lots of love from my mommies and play with my Baby Tad (an early Christmas gift from Aunt Tammy).

Big Boy Bathtub

See me sitting up in my big boy bath! Posted by Hello

I'm getting stronger everyday!

Look how strong I have gotten... I can push up into a semi-crawling position and I can sit-up pretty well on my own too! Posted by Hello

I got my first tooth on Thursday, November 11th! The bottom left came in and I was a trooper, very drooly, but tough :) Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

the beach is very relaxing :) Posted by Hello

My First Beach Trip

I went to the beach for the first time last weekend! It was great fun and I loved to watch the sand and water run over my toes.

We stopped at a local restaurant/bar for lunch and Emmett had a great time. He knocked water glasses over and tried to eat all of our yummy seafood ;) Unfortunately for him, he was too excited by the beach and the restaruant to nurse, but he was really thirsty from the heat and humidity. So Mommy Kirsten did some quick thinking and dipped one of his t-shirts into her water for him to chomp on. See above! He loved it and would hold it out for "more" water when he had sucked/chewed all the water out... very cute :) Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Happy Halloween :)

Emmett had his first Halloween on Sunday... this picture is from a Mommy's group outing that Kirsten brought him to the Thursday before Halloween. A group of moms and babes toured the hospital near our house, Emmett was naturally the cutest one there ;)
On Sunday, Emmett trick or treated at two neighbor's houses and got a Snicker's bar, some M&Ms and some pretzels to put in his stuffed pumpkin candy carrier! He was asleep by 7:30 pm and was not bothered by the groups of trick or treaters that came to our house.
Kirsten did a cool thing this year. She made a "trick" bowl and a "treat" bowl. The kids had to do the trick before the treat and most of them loved it. The "trick" bowl had spaghetti noodles in it and felt like guts or brains to most of the kids. The funny part was that some of them thought that the noodles were their "treat" and got very funny looks on their faces when they pulled the noodles out to put them in their bags :) Once I explained that they could now have their treat, they thought that was a very cool thing.
One little boy, maybe 9, said we should go something like that again next year... he even suggested using peeled grapes for eye balls ;) Another little boy, 8 0r 9, came back and brought a friend to do our trick! Very sweet :) Posted by Hello