Emmett had his first Halloween on Sunday... this picture is from a Mommy's group outing that Kirsten brought him to the Thursday before Halloween. A group of moms and babes toured the hospital near our house, Emmett was naturally the cutest one there ;)
On Sunday, Emmett trick or treated at two neighbor's houses and got a Snicker's bar, some M&Ms and some pretzels to put in his stuffed pumpkin candy carrier! He was asleep by 7:30 pm and was not bothered by the groups of trick or treaters that came to our house.
Kirsten did a cool thing this year. She made a "trick" bowl and a "treat" bowl. The kids had to do the trick before the treat and most of them loved it. The "trick" bowl had spaghetti noodles in it and felt like guts or brains to most of the kids. The funny part was that some of them thought that the noodles were their "treat" and got very funny looks on their faces when they pulled the noodles out to put them in their bags :) Once I explained that they could now have their treat, they thought that was a very cool thing.
One little boy, maybe 9, said we should go something like that again next year... he even suggested using peeled grapes for eye balls ;) Another little boy, 8 0r 9, came back and brought a friend to do our trick! Very sweet :)

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