Emmett's kindergarten class obtained 17 fertilized chicken eggs in early March. They were meticulously maintained by his kinder teacher, Ms. Woolen, with Kirsten's supervision (as the community chicken expert). 16 of them hatched over Spring Break last week and they were so tiny and cute. We sold 8 of them to community members looking to start their own home flocks and gave 2 to another kindergarten family. SInce hatching, they have lived on/near our breakfast bar in a rubbermaid bin... until this morning. This morning, Kirsten built them a pen using some old shelving that was in our salvage pile. The 10 day old chicks got to spend their first time in the dirt and the sunshine. They are so cute!
That's our dog, Maxie, trying to figure out how she can catch and eat them. She hasn't been too happy about us having baby chicks in the house and out of her reach, but she's getting used to them slowly. Emmett is also sitting in the pen with them, he is proving to be a very good chicken Daddy.
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