Sunday, November 14, 2010

Playing Catch Up

Do you ever feel like you are living in an alternate universe? We just took a family mini-vacation over the past few days and I completely unplugged from work, email, facebook, cell phone... It was an enjoyable vacation :) And I feel like I "woke-up" to some things that I haven't been thinking about, focusing on, keeping up with. One of them was this blog (of course, since I'm sitting here posting now). The other was our family photographs. Kirsten takes really great pictures and consistently loads them to Snapfish so family and friends can see them, order them, etc. My job is to order prints and keep them chronologically filling our family photo albums that neatly line the bookshelves in the spare room. Well... when moving said albums, I was horrified to notice that I shamefully haven't done that part of the job since October 2007! In case you were wondering, it is now November 2010... I'm more than 3 years behind :( I guess in the scheme of things, if this is the only thing I have let slip in my crazy life full of deadlines and responsibilities, I shouldn't be too hard on myself. But this somehow feels like a BIG hole in what I enjoy doing and what I pride myself on providing for our family archives (not sure if that's the right word, but I'll use it anyway).
So, I just ordered 400+ prints from Snapfish to get us caught up through January 2008... hey, it's a start!
Now to find some photo albums and get ready for the onslaught. I'll never really catch up, since Kirsten will continue to take lots of great photos. But maybe I'll get within 12 months of reality!

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